Janie's Friday Feature on a Saturday! This is a speedy email to apologise for the fact that you have not been sent a Friday Feature Newsletter for the last 2 weeks and to quickly update you on a few things that are happening over the next week or so...... Last week we were at Yarndale and the lead up to the show was so busy that the Friday Feature Newsletter didn't materialise. This week we have had a bit of a personal disaster in that our home was broken into on Thursday evening so Friday was spent clearing up the house rather than sorting out a newsletter. Thankfully very little was taken, but in the space of the 4 minutes that the burgulars were in our home they did manage to make a huge amount of mess! I know that I owe you a newsletter which focuses on my recent visit to Charleston House - this will now be scheduled for next Friday, but I wanted to write a quick email today to thank all those of you who drooped onto the stand at Yarndale last week to say hello and to remind you all that we will be at The Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace next week - you can find more information about this below. Today is also the day when the lovely guys at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival release their class lists for next year. I will be teaching 2 workshops and the listings of all workshops will be live on the EYF web site at 4pm this afternoon. You can book workshops next Saturday the 13th October. The link to the EYF web site is here. I hope that wherever you are you are having a nice weekend and I look forward to getting back to normal and being in touch again next week. If you have anything you would like to share with us, as always, please hit reply. The Knitting and Stitching ShowWe are so excited that the lovely folks at Black Sheep Wools have allowed us to take over an area of their stand at the forthcoming Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace. The show starts on Thursday the 11th and runs through to next Sunday the 14th October. The Black Sheep stand is in the main hall by the large stained glass window. We will have the new Royal Garden blankets on display at the show alongside the new Summer Palace Wrap and will also be taking all my other blankets, books and patterns. I will be on the stand on Thursday and Saturday, so it would be lovely to see you if you are visiting the show. There's still time to book your ticket to take part in one of the workshops at the show, but you need to hurry as they only have a limited number of places remaining. The Knitting & Stitching Show offers one of the biggest programmes of specialised textile workshops in the UK. There are over 230 classes to choose from, all taught by leading experts in their fields. Sessions include dress-making, upcycling, applique, shisha embroidery, wet-felting, screen printing, shibori and many more. Advance bookings for the workshops cease at midnight on Sunday 7th October (tomorrow). Remaining workshop tickets can be purchased at the show, but they recommend booking in advance to avoid disappointment. Our lovely friend Luise will be teaching a couple of really interesting knitting workshops - 'How to Knit a Small Sphere' and 'How to Knit a Beaded Button Cover'. You can find more info by following this link. The fabulous Jo Smith will be teaching at the show too and she still has a very limited number of places left on her class programme. Yarndale 2018We had an amazing time at Yarndale last week. As always it was a really exciting show and there was a lot going on. It was really great to get to say hello to so many of you and it was lovely to hear about how much you are enjoying the newsletters. I think the show had grown in size yet again this year and I was especially excited to discover that the yarn company Scheepjes had a stand there - not only that, but they had also invited a group of their amazing bloggers along to meet and greet people on the stand. It was as lovely as always to see our friend the lovely Dedri Uys along with designer Carmen Jorissen (pictured above) and I was beyond excited to finally get to meet the amazing Rachel Carmona (aka Cypress Textiles) who is one of my crochet heroes - if you don't already know about her work then you need to head over to her web site for more info - her Instagram feed is also fabulous! You can find some images taken at the show on my Instagram feed by following this link. It is the weekend!I am feeling a little out of sync today and keep having to remind myself what day it is. The weather here in North London is pretty dismal, so it looks like it is shaping up to be a couch potato kind of a day, but that's probably a good thing after the stress of the last 36 hours or so and given that we have a lot going on next week and over the forthcoming months - when things are busy it is always so nice to know that the weekend offers the comfort of home.
Hoping you are having a fabulous weekend whatever it is you have planned....
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January 2025