Janie's Friday FeatureWelcome to this week's Friday Feature Newsletter - the Janie Crow equivalent of a Sunday supplement magazine.... The sun has been shining here in North London this week (although it is still pretty chilly) and so we are all feeling like we have a bit of a spring in our steps, especially as we head into another lovely weekend! I have quite a lot to tell you about this week, including the fact that you can now vote for your favourite motif from the recent Delft colouring in competition. You can find more information about this lower down in the email. I have also released some new patterns this week, so you might want to take a look at that information too - I have put it in the 'What's New' section. I was lucky enough to get one of the last 2 tickets to see a show called 'She Persisted' at Sadlers Wells on Wednesday evening. It was pretty much a spur of the moment decision to go, which was prompted by the attraction of the first of the 3 ballets, 'Broken', which was inspired by the life of Frida Kahlo. I have to admit to going along without even looking up what the other 2 ballets on the programme where, so I was really excited when I realised I was going to get to see the Rite of Spring - the music for which was composed by Stravinsky in 1913. The ballet I saw was the 1975 version danced on earth and it was pretty amazing! I have been planning to include a piece about the Ballets Russes for ages, so it is perhaps serendipitous that the ballet on Wednesday, which was first performed by the Russian ballet company, was the push I needed to make myself settle down and write it. Because of time limitations it is not a huge piece, just the bones of it really, but I hope it will inspire you to go and take a look for more information about the spectacle of the ballets at the turn of the last Century. I think that the costume designs by Leon Bakst alone are enough to get the creative juices going.. As always, I cannot believe that yet another week has flown by and that we are on the brink of the weekend once more. Whatever you are planning to do I hope you all have a fabulous time and, as always, if you have anything you want to tell us about, please hit reply.... 'Let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to the world '' |
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January 2025